I often get asked: “why are you trying to start a clothing brand?”, “why would people choose yours? There’s so much competition.”
I don’t really have a good answer to either of those questions to be honest. I suppose the closest thing I have to an answer is that I never stop trying. It’s a pretty cool thing when people take something that they love and try to share it and make a life out of it.
I love designing shit and really enjoy training and sport. So I combined the two.
It really is as simple as that I suppose. That’s why I decided to do this. Maybe it’ll work out and maybe it won’t, but like I said, I’ll never stop trying.
As for the second question, why would people choose our brand? Well, again, I don’t really know. That’s really up to you. I can’t force any opinions down your throat.
If you don’t believe in what we’re trying to do here, no one can magically change your mind.
But I know that some people will.
For the designs themselves, yes. But also for the mindset of never stopping.
Never giving up on your dreams and always trying to build a better life for yourself, even when the odds seem so impossible that it isn’t even worth the effort.
Some people will believe that, and if that’s you, welcome to Black Stag.